Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences
Home > Development of a Modern Pulse Diagnosis Using Harmonics Analysis of Arterial Signals
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Review Articie March 15,2023
Development of a Modern Pulse Diagnosis Using Harmonics Analysis of Arterial Signals
Gin-Chung Wang 1 ,  Sheng-Hung Wang 2 ,  Kuo-Meng Liao 3 ,  Yang Yang 4 ,  Haitian Li 5 ,  Tien-Chung Wang 6 ,  Yuh-Ying Lin Wang 7 hide author's information
Keywords: Traditional Chinese medicine; Pulse diagnosis; Harmonics analysis; Spectrum
Cite this article: Wang GC, Wang S-H, Liao KM, Buxing C, Yang Y, Li H, Wang T-C, Lin Wang YY. (2023). Development of a Modern Pulse Diagnosis Using Harmonics Analysis of Arterial Signals, Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences, 4(1), 3-11.
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Chinese medicine was proven to be clinically effective for thousands of years, and more and more studies have been conducted to confirm the impact of Chinese medicine in clinical practice. Pulse examination is a unique method of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine... still many opinions on how pulse diagnosis responds to physiological changes. Prof. Wei-Kung Wang and Prof. Yuh-Ying Lin Wang proposed the radial resonance theory, which suggests that blood is driven into the tissues by arterial pressure waves. The cardiac output produced the harmonics of the heartbeat, and the matching interaction of the heart and arterial system generated the harmonics of the pulse wave. In this study, we review the research on pulse diagnosis over the past three decades, outlining the development of theoretical models of pulse diagnosis, and the validation of physical and animal experiments with clinical studies and applications. We further attach the theory of arterial circulation resonance to wearable devices using harmonic frequency analysis for clinical disease research and prediction. The results of these studies provide evidence of the hemodynamic aspects of Chinese medicine, illustrating the possible mechanisms of Chinese medicine theory in modern physiology and the principles of Chinese herbal formula composition. Some conclusions and recommendations on how to systematize pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine are also presented.